Airsoft Gun Covered in Gum Tape

Airsoft Gun Covered in Gum Tape

Some of the most irritating elements of the airsoft gear are the factory issues such as wobbling parts or lack of compatibility of the parts from different producers. I may say, that'southward the spirit of the hobby and likes to spend some time in front of a workbench. Some other people simply don't give a damn. Thus the circle goes around once more when you purchase new accessories!

You tin can spend a lot of money to get a perfect set of airsoft parts, but the easier and cheaper manner is to ready some plumbing fixtures issues by yourself. In this commodity, I'll testify you the most common problems with airsoft replicas and piece of cake ways to fix them and no "omg just buy the showtime-class replica" doesn't always solve the problem.

Loose M4 collapsible stock

Practically every M4stock y'all could ever arrive your hands will be more or less loose. Some of them are just loose enough to plummet smoothly, and some can piece of work like maracas, which can exist even frustrating when property the replica.

Loose M4 collapsible stock

Loose M4 stock

The solution is simple and takes nigh ii minutes. You demand a sharp tool and electric tape. Place one or two layers of the buffer tube, depending on the demanded effect. Voila!

Loose fitting between upper and lower M4 receiver

Another common issue with the M4 replicas. If you don't have any wobbles between these two parts of your make new M4, don't worry... Information technology will come later on a while of using it with heavy accessories. Fortunately, it's besides easy to fix with the electric record.

Loose fitting between upper and lower M4 receiver

Apply the record on the "ears" of the upper receiver, and that's it. The minus of this solution is the fact, that subsequently a few disassemblies of the gun the tape will start to tear apart. But here comes the 2d, simply more permanent way to gear up this - with the paintbrush put a thin layer of epoxide glue on the "ears", just as much equally needed to make it a bit thicker. Remember to non assembly the gun earlier than 24 hours later on this, or you lot'll exist in very large problem. A rule of thumb is to too degrease the parts and utilize sandpaper on them, earlier applying the glue.

Loose QD mount

Not allRIS systems in dissimilar replicas and accessories accept the same width. That leads to problems with compatibility, especially in the QD mounts which utilise levers, and non tightening screws. But it's not the finish of the world.

loose QD mount

Just get some polyurethane expanding cream sealing record and employ it on the mount. Do not remove the sealing, because at that place is no need to. The play a trick on is that the foam will take care of any costless space between the mount and rails.

Loose RIS traditional mount

loose RIS traditional mount

If the wobbling is only horizontal, a single shim betwixt the mountain base and nut should practice the chore. If the trouble is also in the vertical position, the QD play a trick on from higher up will prepare this.

loosen RIS mount

Loose AK selector lever

loose AK selector lever

This issue is too fixable with a single shim. If it nevertheless loosens with fourth dimension (probably considering of thegearbox vibrations), attempt using the Locktite glue or nail polish.

Loose motor plate screws

Loose motor plate screws

This is another example of the use of Locktite glue. Due to the loftier vibrations of the AEG motor, many motor plate screws have a tendency to go loose with time. A medium forcefulness thread glue should secure them.

Loose motor connectors

loose motor connectors

In replicas that don't have themotor cage, loose connectors can sometimes fall off. The outcome is quite noticeable - AEG won't fire. Solution? Printing the connectors to the motor with pliers and bend them a little to make everything tighter.

Loose hop upward regulation in old-gen hop upwardly bedroom

loosen hop-up regulation

In some of the M4 hop-up chambers , the regulation bike is too loose and changes its position from the vibrations of the replica. To make sure that doesn't happen, put a shim between the wheel and spiral and tighten it up.

Loose rotary hop up chamber

loose rotary hop-up

The rotary hop-up chambers are very simple in the disassembly and pretty comfortable to use. Information technology is also often said that they're more than precise than the traditional 3 wheels hop up chambers. Nonetheless, sometimes the regulation cycle tin be likewise lose and at that place are no screws to tighten it up. The only solution is to replace the o-ring with a bigger or thicker i. Yous can also put some thick grease to brand the rotation harder.

I promise this article was helpful for anyone who has a problem with the loose or wobbling parts in their airsoft guns. Just accept it, sometimes you have to exercise some fitting by yourself ;).


Paweł "Fishbonee" Napieralski

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Airsoft Gun Covered in Gum Tape

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